Heat, Bloat and Light Dept.
Large Advert Section.

Have you ever noticed these computer ads that appear on the back pages of
many of our national newspapers. Every week, ever newer and more fabulous
computers appear, rendering the previous week's offerings obsolete!
One thing Phundria noticed is the fact that the descriptive copy is
written for a reading age of about eight, whereas the specifications and
technicalities are written for a reading age of about eighteen. We wonder
In collaboration with Phundria, Crime Computers Ltd. has selected
two technologically superior PC compatible Computers for your consideration.
If you'll buy one of these, you'll buy anything!
Completely Incredible
specification for just £999
Our PrOZZY PC 400M with Inept® Pentiuum® processor
incorporating ZZ technology is our best seller with its 64MB of
RAM. Now you can run four major Mega$loth® programs at
one and the same time! Just imagine - Offarce 97 running seamlessly
alongside Internet Exploder! When you add the latest full-featured
Mega$loth® Waffle you really have the business! And all
for just ...
£999 +VAT
Just look at these features:
- 200 MHz Pentiuum® processor with 'Cool Power Design'
incorporating integral 'propellerhead' fan and 64 segment externally mounted
cast-iron heatsink.
- 4.5 GB EIDE Ultra Hard Disk, with power-on auto run-up and power-off
auto run-down.
- 64MB EDO RAM with Tokyo effect.
- 3D Analo-digital Stereo Sound with 2x100W Integrally Amplified
Forced Speakers (Earplugs supplied)
- 24 MAX factor CD-ROM Drive for fast reinstallations.
- Free 56KBPS Duo-digital Voice and Fax Modem with
- Single On-Off Switch for the complete setup!
- An amazing selection of pre-installed software including:
- Mega$loth® Windoze® with integral DOS
compatibility and auto-reinstallation feature.
- Mega$loth® Offarce 97 - a complete office suite with
Wordprocessing, Desktop Publishing and Spreadsheet Software enabling you to
become an adept businessperson - instantly!
- Mega$loth® Internet Exploder version 4.99 - the
complete 60MB solution to all your Internet needs - incorporating Web
Browser, Mail and Newsgroup facilities. The special 'Push Pull' Web Cookie
technology featured in this product enables Mega$loth® to keep
fully up to date with all your computing activities.
- Mega$loth® Carter encyclopedia. This remarkable
interactive reference work enables your children to acquire an American
perspective on all that they think and do. No longer will lean and fit
British technology have to compete with hotter and bigger American products,
because eventually there won't be any British technology!
- Mega$loth® Waffle speech synthesis software. This
remarkable program provided the inspiration for this advertisement!
- Mega$loth® Blob - friendly software for your kids.
Keeps them quiet and out of the way when you're not using your computer.
- Mega$loth® Miscellania - a 100MB selection of other
utilities including Painting, Drawing, Accountancy, Nuclear Physics,
Locomotive Engineering, Cellulite, Roman Numerals, Tribology, Trichology,
Numismatism, Ferroequinology, Origami, Advanced Bureaucratic Technology,
Spelæology, Microsurgery, Satellite Navigation, Psychic Phenomena,
Crapitation, Etc., Etc. - in short: Something for everybody!
- In addition to all these wonderful features, we offer a
three-month guarantee against your computer becoming obsolete, for
only £100 +VAT extra.
Just £999 +VAT for all this!

Almost Incredible
specification for just £899
Our PrOXXY PC 200M with Inept® Pentiuum® processor
incorporating XX technology is our second best seller with its 32MB
of RAM. Now you can run three major Mega$loth® programs
at one and the same time! Just imagine - Offarce 97 running
seamlessly alongside Internet Exploder! When you add the latest
full-featured Mega$loth® Waffle you really have the
business! And all for just ...
£899 +VAT
Just look at these features:
- 166 MHz Pentiuum® processor with 'Cool Power Design'
incorporating integral 'propellerhead' fan and 48 segment internally fitted
cast-aluminium heatsink.
- 2.5 GB EIDE Ultra Hard Disk, with power-on auto run-up and
power-off auto run-down.
- 32MB EDO RAM with Tokyo effect.
- 2D Analo-digital Monophonic® Sound with 1x60W
Integrally Amplified Forced Speaker (Earplug supplied)
- 16 MAX factor CD-ROM Drive for semi-fast reinstallations.
- Free 28KBPS Duo-digital Voice and Fax Modem with
- Single On-Off Switch for the complete setup!
- The same amazing selection of pre-installed software as
for the Model PRO ZZY 400M!
- In addition to all these wonderful features, we offer a
three-month guarantee against your computer becoming obsolete, for
only £899 +VAT extra.
Just £899 +VAT for all this!
How can we offer these remarkable computers so cheaply? Simple - we add
the special Mega$loth® Bill Grates Auto-Holographic Prayer
Detection software, which qualifies us for a discount when we licence
the Mega$loth® Windoze® software, and we pass some of
our savings on to you. Every hour on the hour, this software automatically
displays a holographic image of Bill Grates, which remains on the screen
until you have shouted "Long Live Mega$loth®" three times
at an amplitude of 90 decibels. A small price to pay for such marvellous

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