New Political Oldies Dept.

New Labour - New Computing  with a bonny blooming rose

An Open and Honest Government

The New Labour® Government is proud to announce the publication of the Computer Terminology (Amendment) Bill, which will be debated early in the new year.

The gist of the Bill is that, from the date that the Act becomes Law, all references to computers and computer programs shall be prefixed by the name of the manufacturer, operating system supplier or software vendor that created the relevant item.

In the case of most industrial, commercial, and home computer systems in the UK, this will mean it will be necessary to prefix the relevant item with the name Mega$loth® Windoze '95®.

We hope that this will ensure that the consumer is kept better informed about the origins of computer products in future.

Phundria is equally proud to be the first to adapt existing material to conform to the new Act!

Phundria thanks all those nameless souls who put this sort of stuff up on the net, and inspired this page.

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