Rocky - for making each and every use of
Offarce Sweet products ever - rockier. Worry no more about
consistency in your use of Mega$loth® products. Rocky
gleefully enhances your work with colorful headers, borders, tables and
frames. (May result in GPF (1) on older computers.)
Dotty - to provide endless entertainment as
you work with any Mega$loth® product, Dotty reassures you,
through its interface to Mega$loth® Waffle, that everyone
else using these products is as dotty as you are.
URL (2) - brain child of our marketing
department, will randomly pop up on each project you undertake on a
non-Offarce product. Making use of an especially odiferous collection in our
companion product, Mega$loth® SmellZ®, URL
urges you, with increasingly pungent scents, to regain your good sense, and
return to utilizing only Mega$loth® products, for which you've
already paid so many cents.
Scramble offers endless hours of entertainment
for users all over the world. Automatically applying a modified version of
ROT-13, Scramble allows secure encryption of every document produced.
Scramble is absolutely free, and guaranteed to re-apply itself, even
on carefully edited documents. Finally! Computer security at no
We listen to user suggestions, and are delighted to offer, for the seasoned
Scramble user, Un-scramble.
Mega$loth® programmers have worked overtime to bring you this
adjunct to Scramble.
Please Note: Since we have to actually pay that overtime, due to a
recent Department of Labor decision, we'd appreciate it if you gave us your
credit card details:
Sign up for Un-Scramble Now !!
Each decryption by will result in a charge to this card. The
actual charge amount isn't relevant, since your documents cannot be
decrypted by any other program, but careful consumers will be delighted that
the amount will never exceed $1.00 per document paragraph
word letter.
For simplicity, Un-scramble users in the UK and Ireland will be
charged £1.00 per document paragraph word letter,
rather than on a pro-rata basis.
Do not enter a real Credit Card Number!
(1) GPF: (G)o (P)urchase (F)orty more megs of memory from our Memory PartnersTM, or a new computer from one of our Hardware PartnersTM.
(2) URL: Unrelenting Recursive Loop
Contributed by 'Southern Belle'.