

How We Grade Your Site

'Fred', our sophisticated Web-Crawling Spider, will visit your site and examine all pages within it. This procedure costs you nothing, as it is all done from our site.

This technologically unique process ensures a consistently fair evaluation of each site visited, so you may display our awards secure in the knowledge that they are totally unbiased.

Tip 1: To make your site viewable as you wish it to be on only one operating system, set the FONT FACE to ARIEL if it's for Windows, or CHICAGO if it's for a Macintosh. That puts you well on the way to gaining 500 points!

Tip 2:If you want to foul up NetsCrape, why not make the whole page BLINK, or enclose the whole BODY text in NOFRAMES.

Tip 3:If you want to foul up Internet Exploder, why not enclose the whole BODY text in MARQUEE and set its direction to BACKWARDS.

Tip 4:If you want to foul up BOTH of these browsers, why not set the FONT FACE to DINGBATS, WINGDINGS

Wouldn't it be a real challenge to make a totally unviewable page! However, we don't award any points for those - it's a risk you take if you try these tips!

New - 'Custard Pie' Awards

We've also got a new 'Custard Pie' Award for bloated webpages generated by Mega$loth® products such as FatPage®, Weird® etc.

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