Hacking to the Left Dept.

Another Open and Honest Government?

New Labour - New Computing  with a bonny blooming rose

WeirdTM Hacking Demonstration

This shows the document as it would be seen by a WeirdTM user:

 - An innocent seeming letter to our Editor

Compare it with this view - this is the 'meaty bit' - the original text within the WeirdTM document as seen by a hacker. Wow! So now we know they're after us!

 - The truth, not innocent at all!

Next, the alterations/additions part where you can see where Phundria's address (not real by the way) was added.

And finally, some other information revealed after unreadable characters were removed, like the path to the file on my computer, and a couple of renamings etc. as well. Note also that I spelt 'Editor' wrongly in the original document!

A clearer view indeed!

Wake up folks or we'll all be assimilated!

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