Spacer Scottish Conservatory & Unicorn Party
Small Order of the Boot

The Scottish Conservatory & Unicorn Party

Welcome to the Scottish Conservatory & Unicorn Party's homepage. We hope you will find your visit a rewarding one for us. We will do anything for money, so if you have particular needs you feel we can help with, we will be happy to put you in touch with someone who can help. For a fee, naturally.

Who are We?

We are those awfully nasty people who:

  • Brought you the Poll Tax. You always come in handy when we want to experiment. Imagine having a whole country to play with!
  • Seek to rule you in a colonial manner. You're the only colony we've got left, and devolution would destroy that status. We're not going to let you run your own affairs - so there! Imagine how we'd feel if you did it better than us.
  • Need your oil revenues more than you do. Keeping wages down means keeping unemployment up, and that costs an awful lot of money if you include England!
  • Want to abolish waste in the Public Sector so we can privatise it. Then we can indulge in profligacy - profligate salaries for the directors. That way we can ensure they vote Conservatory, and (privately) donate large sums to the party so they don't have to declare it in their company accounts. And if we lose our seats, they'll always keep top jobs open for us to go to too!
  • Let rich foreigners and wealthy folk buy up your country estates. We'll let anyone in if they've got money. That way they'll dilute your culture and put you in your place.
  • Voting for the Scottish Conservatory & Unicorn Party means an awful lot to us. Do it - or else!
The Unicorn - the real power over Scotland.


We're the Party for people like you, run by people like us!

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