Welcome to the new Phundria, Scotland's first online lampoon magazine.
'The Final Outcome:' In the light of recent revelations and sober reflection, Mark revises his position in these three articles: (June 2004)
'Countdown to 9/11: A Cautionary Tale.' Another fine yarn
from Mark Brook in the mould of 'The Inner Cadre'. (9th December 2003)
| Part 1 | Part 2
August 2003
Mark Brook gives his final verdict on the Foot and Mouth Epidemic. (3rd August 2003)
Mega$loth® WeirdTM Bytes Tony Blair in the Butt! (9th July 2003)
Mark Brook reveals more about the unauthorised entry into his premises on 25th October 2001. (11th March 2003)
Mark Brook concludes his exposé of the Foot and Mouth Epidemic. (7th June 2002)
Mark Brook sums up his views on the Foot and Mouth Epidemic. (5th February 2002)
'Howdy Dubya!' We bring you the first
installment of our held-over feature on the USA's National Missile Defense
System. (21 January 2002)
Mark Brook gives yet more disturbing background to the Jonathan Proctor Interview. (21st November 2001)
Oh Gee! Oh Gosh! - Meet Boozo the Clown! (17th November 2001)
Mark Brook gives some background to the Jonathan Proctor Interview with Sir Rupert Mainwaring. (4th November 2001)
Mark Brook was burgled a couple of days back, but nothing was removed. Has he rattled some cages? (30th October 2001)
What really goes on inside the PM's head? Could it be something like 'The Musings of Tony Blair'? (7 October 2001)
Have a laugh at these real-life pearls of literary incompetence in our new Gobbledygook page. (New material added 25 October 2001)
Having difficulty finding something? Look no further than our complete list of pages.
Send us your views about Phundria. Our Reader Survey is now online.
Thanks to the kind folks at Atomz we now have a search engine on
our site.
Just enter one or more keywords and select the Search button. If it's
here - you'll find it.
As we were working on our next piece, a spoof of the US NMD project, news came in of the horrific events unfolding in the US today. We feel it would be appropriate to postpone this article in the meantime.
Instead, we'd like to express our deepest sympathies to our American friends at this time of tragedy. (11th September 2001)
See our
interpretation of the Totty Tory Leadership Contest! It's
the 'Battle of The Balloons'. Ken and
Smithy shoot it out! (31 August 2001)
A fictional interview with a Senior Civil Servant brings to life an astonishing possible scenario of what really happened before and during the British Foot-and-Mouth epidemic of 2001. Serious satire from Mark Brook. (23 August 2001)
Office politics, 1950s style. A Tea Fund 'Bonus Scheme' causes consternation. (8 August 2001)
Readers may also find this of interest - Sedition is a new webzine with some very though-provoking articles.
Political fun and games, courtesy of Mega$loth®WeirdTM. A cabinet member is 'leaked' by accident! (12 July 2001)
Now here's something completely NEW! Some of you may have wondered why there's a warning message on the top of your screen. (5 July 2001) Here's more.
Our latest Mega$loth® send-up is now ready. (5 July 2001)
Mark Brook has given us a thought-provoking article on the Foot and Mouth crisis. More on this topic soon.
Thank God it's over! If you're seriously
masochistic, visit Conservatory 2001.
We've also still got two serious articles summing up our pre-election opinions, one I've written myself and the other by Mark Brook for you to read.
If you're nuts, also look at 'The Conservatory Party' - our spoof of the 1997 Election to remind yourself how bad the last Tory government was.
Why not re-visit the rest of our old material while you're here.
[Introduction] [Contents] [Stop Press] [Comment] [About Phundria] [Mega$loth® Corporation] [Computer Bloat] [Browser Wars] [OnlineAwards] [Conservatory Party] [New Labour®] [Website Number Ten] [The Cadre] [Miscellany] [The Moon] [The Plod]
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