us your nominations for inclusion here!
As well as accepting individual nominations, we're also nominating
suitable sites which feature in the Usenet HTML Authoring Newsgroups,
'comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html' and
- Vlaams Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds -
Flemish Health Insurance (Belgium) ****
Nominated for 'accessibility enhancements' by a reader in Belgium.
- Dave's Folder Icon
Collection - A UK Homesite ***
Nominated for pointless HTML markup by a reader in Scotland.
- VK and KK Homepage -
A German site offering HTML hints and tips *****
Selected for generating 35 pages of HTML errors, reported by a Usenet
contributor in Great Britain.
- The British Broadcasting Corporation's
commercial website *****
Nominated for pure and simple inaccessibility, with a high degree of bloat.
Also awarded a Web Colossus Star Seal. Try getting in with plug-ins switched
- The British Broadcasting Corporation's
main website *****
An overloaded and bloated publicly funded site. Both BBC
websites were nominated by an English reader.
- IT for All (UK)
This site purports to offer IT for all. The site's purpose, and its
execution constitute a really funny oxymoron! They were daft enough to post
this fact to an Accessibility mailing list. Sponsored, inter alia,
by Mega$loth - say no more! Nominated by Phundria.
- LA Help.
This is a most unwieldy page. A fraudulent "search engine s3kRiTz" site,
according to its USA based nominator. It gets a custard pie too!
- Fluid Interactive
Another unwieldy page, this one purports not to 'use technology just because
we can'. Nominated by a a Usenet contributor.
- Deutsche Bahn (German Railways)
Ho Hum! Another high-profile publicly funded site, this time in Germany.
Nominated by a reader in Scotland. 'Optimised for arguing with
Please note that these gradings and descriptions applied at the
time these sites were nominated. Some of them may have subsequently been
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