On receipt of the form below, we will send you, to keep for your very own, a unique MicroSerfTM Membership Certificate. You are required to frame this Certificate and place it in a conspicuous position close to your workspace. You are also required to donate an unspecified sum of money to the Mega$loth® "Americanize® Britain" Campaign.
You will also be required, at the appropriate time, to vote for Britain to leave the EC, to stay out of the Euro, and in due course to apply for membership of the United States of America. Bill has spoken - you will comply.
Lucretia Borg, Mega$loth® Webmistress
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Submit this application before 31st July 2001, and we will send you an exclusive pair of 'cut-out and keep' MicroSerfTM blinkers. You will also receive free membership of Mega$loth®'s "Americanize® Britain" Campaign.